Welcome to 80-Proof Politics!

Season 2

July 28, 2020

Ep 2.6 - Remotely conversing with former longtime higher ed advocate …

Fresh from the campaign trail in his home state of Arizona - and having his beer delivered to his doorstep during this time of shelter-in-place - Shay Stautz talks about his years as a higher education lobbyist, how he transl...

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May 20, 2020

Ep. 2.5 - Drinking Alone: Advocacy in the Time of Coronavirus

In this special edition of 80-Proof Politics, we touch base virtually with a few of our previous Guestperts to see how they are adjusting a profession built on personal relationships and interpersonal communications to an era...

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April 27, 2020

Ep. 2.4 - Matthew Cornelius, Executive Director of the Alliance for D…

From telling federal agency personnel why they can't to now showing them why they should, Matthew Cornelius - three months into his role as Executive Director of the Alliance for Digital Innovation - joins 80-Proof at Lost & ...

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April 11, 2020

Ep. 2.3 - Having cut his teeth with Bobby Kennedy at the DoJ and his …

Arnie Fege and I sit down for a pre-quarantine conversation and drink at The Hamilton to discuss his rich experience in Washington, and how his formative policy years with one of the true leaders of the '60s led him to create...

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Feb. 23, 2020

Ep. 2.2 - Learning to connect before you communicate with Mark Bayer,…

Mark Bayer, President of Bayer Strategic Consulting, host of "When Science Speaks," and self-proclaimed persuasion nerd explains why it's important to connect before you communicate. He joins us at Siné Irish Pub in Arlington...

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Feb. 11, 2020

Ep. 2.1 - Kicking off Season 2 with Josh Martin - VP Government Affai…

We open Season 2 of 80-Proof segment by introducing a new feature we call NextGen Advocates with Josh Martin, VP Government Affairs - American Defense International. And what better place to share his story of nearly twenty y...

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